Drawing of Aberdeen Cathedral from a reconstruction.


The Deanery of Aberdeen


Over the course of time, and at different times, the Deanery of Aberdeen had ten parishes within it, all of which were appropriated - six to the cathedral to form prebends, one to the King's College, one to Torphichen Preceptory (contested with Kelso Abbey), and two to monasteries (Arbroath and Kelso).


The Parishes of Aberdeen Deanery
Parish Appropriated to ... Description
Aberdeen - Old Machar Aberdeen Cathedral Dean's Prebend
Aberdeen - Snow Kirk King's College, Aberdeen College Prebend
Aberdeen - Spittal Aberdeen Cathedral Succentor's Prebend
Aberdeen - St Nicholas Aberdeen Cathedral Bishop's Prebend
Banchory-Devenick Aberdeen Cathedral Prebendal
Banchory-Ternan Arbroath Abbey  
Belhelvie Aberdeen Cathedral Prebendal
Dalmaik Aberdeen Cathedral Prebendal
Maryculter Torphichen Preceptory  
Peterculter Kelso Abbey  
10 entries


It is not clear if there was (routinely) a Dean of Christianty for this deanery. Because of the relative proximity of the parishes to the cathedral it is very likely that the archdeacon carried out the duties himself or, perhaps, they may have been carried out by one of the cathedral's 'principals'. There is a record of John Strathauchin as Dean of Christianty of Aberdeen in 1541.1




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